Automotive functional cushions are available in a wide range of materials. The most common type is foam, which is highly flexible, durable, and light. Because the seats in automobiles are exposed to dynamic forces, they require a cushion that can absorb energy and maintain a firm structure.
One type is adapted to mount on the steering wheel of a vehicle. It has a longitudinal bore and an end wall with a tension-adjusting screw. A second type is adapted to mount on a vehicle's instrument panel. The third type is a rectangular cushion mounted on the glove compartment door. The construction of these cushions is extremely adaptable, and can be mounted on a wide range of vehicles.
Other options include a cooling cushion with four high-performance fans. This feature can help to prevent overheating and provide pain relief while sitting on a hot seat. The cushion is also machine-washable. These features make it a versatile accessory for any vehicle. Some models are also suitable for office use.
Another type of automotive functional cushion is the sheepskin type. This type of cushion is luxurious and waterproof and adds a luxurious touch to a seat. Sheepskin is also beneficial for your health as it promotes proper blood circulation and can heal irritated or sensitive skin.